

Friday, November 13, 2009

Broadband prices per megabit around the world | MuniWireless

As the tittle suggests, it is the compilation of broadband prices around the world.

The original link is below.

Broadband prices per megabit around the world | MuniWireless

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How much are people around the world paying per megabit for broadband access? The Telegraph (UK) says Brits are paying 17 times more than Swedes and 7 times more than the French. How much are people around the world paying per megabit for broadband access? The Telegraph (UK) says Brits are paying £5.60 a month for each megabit per second (Mbps), which is 17 times more than Swedes and 7 times more than the French.

Dirk van der Woude put together a chart of the average monthly price per Mbps paid by people in Asia and Europe (see below) relying on data from the Telegraph and Bruno Giussani’s blog post on the same subject.

Bruno says: Clearly there is not a single price for broadband in a country, so what each of you individually pay is not necessarily in contradiction with an average, a median, or any other criteria they may have adopted. What I found interesting in the ranking, and that’s why I posted it and added the data about Asia (which were
gathered by an individual blogger) is not the exact value of the MBPS in each country: it’s the amazing range. Switzerland pays 6 times the Swedish price, and 12 times the Korean price. So what matters here really is not the exact monetary value, but the spread, which doesn’t seem to have a specific correlation with affluence or other country wealth measures — and therefore is likely correlated to tech and market openness/competitiveness differences.


Unknown said...

wow..we're paying for quite a high price..i think it's partly because of hotels charging like crazy that makes the average increase...
Eg. a five star hotel in Penang is charging RM50 max for a day's access of 2 Mbps broadband...but in Tokyo for a 4 star hotel, they're charging RM30 for a day's access of 10Mbps...what say you? Doesn't make sense for that type of price rite??

lionel0008 said...

I forgot to check the info date when I posted this. (info taken from 2007)

But still having 1 mbit internet connection at USD0.34 at that time is very crazy compared to MAlaysia and a dream for those in Indonesia.

BTW, you used the internet connection at Tokyo b4?!
Was the speed stable?

Theeggyolks said...

i wish i was in south Korea ~~

hcvvorld of Travels, Lifestyle and Photography said...

Well it's Tokyo, you should know what is Tokyo compare to KL XD...i was using skype on one side and the other side was downloading movies using download disturbance at all..super stable no exaggeration..

Even in rural Hokkaido's youth hostel..more than 10 person was sharing a line..about 4 person using skype with video, I could download with download accelerator smoothly and no complains from others..very smooth :D

P.S.sorry that was my other email..worng login..hehe



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