

Thursday, November 12, 2009

For those who have pirated VCDs

Heads up.

The government is taking action if you have 3 pirated VCDs although I'm skeptical about how they are going to enforce that when some of the 'originals' sold in supermarkets have the Original logo but the company producing it does not give copyright to the makers.

(You usually see this in old anime VCDs)

Owners of pirated VCDs, beware

KUALA LUMPUR: The Government is considering taking action against the owner of even one pirated video compact disc although it is meant for private use, said Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

“Under the law now, any person who has one pirated VCD is not guilty, but if the person owns more than three, action can be taken.

“My personal view is that if a person owns one pirated VCD it is already an offence,” he said after opening the World Intellectual Property Organisation Seminar Malaysia on the creative industry here yesterday.

Ismail Sabri said the Copyright Act would be amended comprehensively to rectify weaknesses as well as to ensure the country’s intellectual property law system was current, besides promoting the growth of the creative industry.

“If we are to protect the creativity of film producers, music composers and the like, we must not only educate people but also mete out stiff penalties,” said Ismail Sabri.

He said the amendment would also involve action to be taken against owners of business premises who allowed their premises to be used for illegal activities. — Bernama


michleong said...

How exactly are they going to check this? Go house by house?

lionel0008 said...

But it is illegal for them to go in your house without your permission or a search warrant.

hcvvorld of Travels, Lifestyle and Photography said...

crappy one la..just talk cock nia..I bet he himself and his family members own more than 3 pirated VCDs..even policemen bought pirated VCDs..another 'smart' statement by another minister..hahaha

lionel0008 said...

I don't think they even have to buy.
The sellers give free or get during r*ids.



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